Gift Shop

Our Museum gift shop stocks publications and items focusing on Amherst County and the surrounding area.
Below is a partial list of the books and items we have available; please contact the museum for a complete listing. Please be aware that we may have limited supplies or be temporally out of stock for some books or items.
For Gift Shop Order Form with pricing, ordering instructions and shipping costs, please click here. PDF form.
Amherst County Museum Ornament. $15.00 plus tax and shipping if applicable.

Amherst County by the Alphabet
This coloring book given each year to all elementary school children in Amherst County and is now for sale in our gift shop.
$3.50 plus tax (and shipping if a mail order). Please contact the Museum at 434-946-9068 to purchase.
Some Books and Items Available: Please contact the Museum for the current list