Welcome To
The Amherst County Museum And Historical Society
154 South Main St - PO Box 741
Amherst, VA 24521
The Museum Exhibits and Research Library are open to the public
Tuesday - Friday, 10 AM to 4 PM 
Restrictions Apply for Research Library:
 *Visits are by prearranged appointment only
May be closed noon to 1 PM.

In case of inclement weather the Museum will be closed if the schools are closed.


Upcoming Programs, Exhibits, and Events...

***All programs, exhibits and events are subject to change*** 

Please contact the Museum for further information about any programs or events.

**Programs and events are free and open to the public except where a fee or restriction is noted.**



"Coming Home to Amherst: Paintings by Horace & Elizabeth Nottingham Day"

November 2024 through March 2025


The Monacan People - permanent display


Programs & Events


2025 Programs:


- Saturday, April 5, Cemetery Tour: Christian Aid Society, 1 PM -

Guided tour with Dr. Lynn Rainville

 Please park in Hickey's parking lot across the street

No parking on same side as cemetery


- Sunday, April 27, Vanishing Villages: Clifford -

by Sandi Esposito, 2:30 PM 



We have a Facebook Page and a Facebook group!

The Muse: Winter Spring Newsletter 2023 (Our newsletter)

Our Mission

Founded in 1976, the mission of the Amherst County Museum & Historical Society is to discover, collect and preserve objects related to the history and genealogy of Amherst County. The Museum & Historical Society shall exhibit, interpret and offer those collections to provide educational experiences for people of all ages.

To contact us by phone: (434) 946-9068

To contact us by mail: P.O. Box 741, Amherst, VA 24521

To contact us by email: staff@amherstcountymuseum.org.



Octavia Starbuck

Executive Board:

Mrs. Judy Faris, President

Mrs. Midge Elliott, Vice President

Mrs. Faye Brown, Treasurer

Mrs. Ellen Craig, Secretary & Vice Treasurer

Mrs. Cynthia Hicks

Rev. Darnell Winston

Mr. Paul Kilgore

Mr. Steve Walker

Dr. Verna Reynolds Sellers

Mr. Michael R. Cargill

Mrs. Leona Wilkins, Emeritus



The Amherst County Museum & Historical Society is a private non-profit and is supported by memberships and donations. You can support us by making donations or registering with Shop for Museums when you do your online shopping!


Updated 10 March 2025